About Us

Our Story!

Yoga Home Teacher Trainees standing outside of the Heart Center at SunWater Spa

Yoga Home’s 2024 Teacher Trainiees outside of the Heart Center at SunWater Spa!

Yoga Home opened their “doors” online on January 1st, 2021, as a way to keep our yoga community together after the closing of personal yoga “home” studios due to Covid. Partnering with the beautiful SunWater Spa we offer yoga to the Manitou and Colorado Springs areas!

Our yoga guides have been influenced by their individual practices in different ways and bring their experiences to life through their teachings. It is our collective goal to create a safe space for practitioners to show up as they are and be empowered to explore their own mind, body, and Spirit.

Welcome Home!

The Depth:
Yoga is so much more than āsana (postures). The deeper exploration of yoga includes meditation, hand gestures (mudrā), chanting (mantra), breathwork (prāṇāyāma), philosophy, and more! Check out our
additional offerings for more info!

Who’s Home?

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“Home is not a place… It’s a feeling.”

-Cecelia Ahern